Mother’s Day Miracle baby Piper

Mother’s Day Miracle baby Piper

After being born at just over 24 weeks, little baby Piper relies on assisted breathing to move air in and out of her small lungs. The tiny baby is currently in the Mater Mothers’ Hospital Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU) – sharing the celebration of her 90 days with mum Amy Breitkreutz on Mother’s Day, well before her due date of May 27.

To date Piper has fought through four blood transfusions, one platelet transfusion, two lumbar punctures and a number of infections.

Weighing in at 2.4 kilograms, Piper’s mum Amy says her little girl is big now, in comparison to the 616 grams she weighed at birth.

“I was able to cuddle Piper for the very first time when she was three weeks old―so every cuddle is special, especially on Mother’s Day.”

Mum Amy is no stranger to the corridors of NCCU; four of her six children have spent time in Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit over the past nine years.

Little Piper spent this Mother’s Day along with up to 79 other babies in Mater’s NCCU, cared for by dedicated Mater nurses and doctors.

As Australia's largest maternity service, Mater Mothers is able to provide life-saving care to 2000 seriously ill and premature babies in Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit each year.


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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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