This week we’re recognising Dietitians Week, and the valuable support they offer to expectant mothers during their gestational diabetes treatment.
New gestational diabetes care empowering our community
Mater’s award-winning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison team is leading Mater teams right across Queensland in working together to close the gap in health...
Mater Mothers is taking the first steps to bridge health divide
Stillbirth affects more than 2,000 Australian families each year (six babies lost each day). Not every stillbirth is preventable, but many are.
Working together to reduce stillbirths across Australia with Safer Baby Bundle
Register for your FREE tickets now to the Brisbane Baby To Toddler Show!
Will we be seeing you at the Baby to Toddler Show?
Mater researchers are a step closer to implementing ground-breaking initiatives to improve the health of mothers and babies, thanks to a generous donation from Golden Casket...
Golden Casket donation set to improve health of mothers and babies
Mater Mothers’ Parenting Support Centre has long been...
Support for new Mater parents grows across Queensland
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.