Need snack ideas while breastfeeding?

Need snack ideas while breastfeeding?

Snacks are an excellent way to meet your nutrition needs when breastfeeding. But before you reach for the chips or biscuits - check out these alternatives:

• One large piece of fresh fruit eg. apple, peach, pear, banana.
• Two small pieces of fresh fruit eg. kiwi fruit, small peaches, plums
• 1 cup of fresh fruit salad, grapes or berries
• 3 or 4 wedges of watermelon
• 8 dried apricot halves
• 6 Macadamia nuts or 8 pecan halves
• 1 rounded tablespoon of almonds, cashews, hazelnuts or mixed nuts.
• 200g tub of low fat yoghurt
• 2 crisp breads with tomato and pepper (make sure the crisp-breads have more than 2 – 3g of fibre per serve)

What about treats?

It’s ok to have a treat once in a while. The best way to do this is to eat mindfully and savour – the dietary guidelines include 0 – 2.5 treats a day (as long as the rest of the food groups are covered!). One ‘treat’ equals:

• 1 chocolate coated, cream filled biscuit
• 2 plain or 1 cream filled biscuit
• ½ a small muffin, lamington or cup-cake
• 3 small squares of chocolate
• 3 liquorice allsorts or 8 jubes
• 7 corn chips or potato crisps
• 1 Tbsp butter, margarine or oil

A great recipe for seedy crackers is available from the Dietitians Association of Australia


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