Celebrating Grandparents

Celebrating Grandparents

As a midwife at Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane for the last 10 years, Heather has been lucky enough to spend her days surrounded by babies. Earlier this month at 5.04 pm on a Saturday a little girl was born at Mater who holds an extra special place in Heather’s heart—her granddaughter, Freya.

Becoming a grandparent is an exciting experience, regardless of whether it’s your first grandchild or one of many.

This Sunday, Mater Mothers’ Hospitals will celebrate Grandparents Day, thanking grandparents for their love and support of Mater babies.

With the recent easing of COVID-19 visitor restrictions in South East Queensland hospitals, Heather was able to be in birth suites with her daughter Rachel and her partner Zach as they welcomed Freya, and says the moment was ‘magical’.

“Rachel was amazing. She was so calm and did so well. The midwives were all wonderful as well and there was just a feeling of being in the safest hands possible,” Heather said.

“When Rachel held Freya and I saw the way she looked at her with just pure love, my heart melted. It was very overwhelming and an emotional experience to be a part of.”

And since that first moment, the family’s love for Freya has only grown stronger.

“They can’t keep me away! Rachel is a natural mum and to see the tenderness in Zach as a new dad, it’s beautiful to watch. You can tell they are going to be just fine as parents,” Heather said.

While the relationship may be different, it’s clear the bond between grandparent and grandchild is a strong and special one.

“It’s a different sort of love. I feel very protective of the whole family. I don’t have that parental responsibility so I can just love and have fun with Freya. I can’t wait to share experiences and watch her grow,” Heather said.

“It takes a village to raise a child and along with Zach’s parents, we are all ready and willing to be a part of that village.”

However, Heather is very conscious to allow Rachel and Zach to have their bonding time and enjoy these days as a new family with Freya.

“I’m very conscious to give them their privacy and bonding time—I am just on the outskirts of this love bubble with them,” Heather said.

“They know they are surrounded by so much love. We are all so lucky to live so close to each other and are able to be experience each moment with Freya as she grows. We are very fortunate.


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