George and Hugo’s water births a swimming success

George and Hugo’s water births a swimming success

Mater Mum Andrea was fortunate to experience water birth with new arrival George as well as 19 month old Hugo and described the experience as a welcomed relief to the pain of labour.

Under the care of Obstetrician Dr Megan Castner, Andrea was recognised as an appropriate, low risk candidate for water birth.

“I certainly wasn’t considering it as my only option, I just thought it might be good to help with the pain, “Andrea said.

“After having Hugo, I realised I liked the lighter feeling of my body and I could move more freely. It certainly took the weight and pressure off,” she said.

During Andrea’s labour with George, the lights in the room were dimmed and only the light in the bath shone. The room was tranquil and quiet during the hardest moments and once George was born the atmosphere remained peaceful.

“It’s wonderful to have another option available at Mater for families depending on how they feel on the day!” Andrea said.

Andrea was part of the initial water birth study undertaken at Mater Mothers. Mums wishing to have a water birth at Mater Mothers Hospitals should speak to their obstetrician or midwife.


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