Our txt4two program is officially here!

Our txt4two program is officially here!

Our team of research dietitions at Mater Mothers' are thrilled to announce the launch of txt4two. A personalised mobile health program, txt4two is designed to support women throughout their pregnancy to lead healthier lives. Its aim is to support women to achieve their dietary and exercise goals through regular communication through texting, links to quality online information, videos, and recipes developed by Mater dietitians, physiotherapists, midwives and obstetricians. 
The txt4two program was developed and evaluated in a Victorian maternity hospital to determine how well it promoted healthy eating, physical activity and healthy weight gain in pregnant women. Women who took part in the program gained significantly lower weight compared with women who didn’t take part. Most women engaged regularly with the program, with the majority reporting that the intervention was very helpful and positive. Women who took part in the program also managed to maintain healthy physical activity levels for longer throughout their pregnancy.
We’re looking for Mater mums-to-be to participate in this exciting research project! txt4two is all about providing women with a holistic approach to healthy eating, exercise and weight information in pregnancy. If you answer yes to the questions below, we’d love to hear from you.
Are you:
  • Booking in to Mater Mothers’ Hospital (public) for your antenatal care
  • Between 10–17 weeks pregnant
  • Your BMI is greater than 25
To find out more and register your interest click here.

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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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