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Mater midwife Melina Connors has been named Midwife of the Year by the Australian College of Midwives for her outstanding work in improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait...
Mater’s Melina named ACM Midwife of the Year
A Queensland mum has revealed how the trauma of losing her own baby to stillbirth inspired her to become a midwife – and help other grieving parents cope with the loss of...
Tragedy inspires student midwife to support grieving parents
The life of a tiny baby born two months early with a potentially deadly heart defect has been saved thanks to doctors at four major Queensland hospitals.
Queensland doctors save tiny ‘warrior’ heart patient Menasheh
Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane has reached a new milestone after welcoming its 500th family to the Bundle of Joy club.
500th mum enjoys Mater Mothers’ Bundle of Joy
Fifty new Queenslanders have been welcomed to the world in one of the busiest-ever 24 hours at Mater Mothers’ hospitals.
50 tiny Queensland bubs welcomed in 24-hours across Mater
A unique South East Queensland birthing initiative has made significant inroads in closing the gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and their babies...
Unique birthing program closes the gap for Indigenous families
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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.