Register your interest

If you are interested in choosing the Mater Moments at Emporium Hotel South Bank option after the birth of your baby, and meet the below eligibility criteria, please complete the below form so that our team can contact you.

  1. I am booked in to deliver my baby at Mater Mothers' Private Brisbane;
  2. I am insured with, or plan to change to be insured with, a participating health fund provider; and
  3. I acknowledge that both my baby and I will need to be well and discharged by my Obstetrician and Paediatrician.  

Your contact details

= 5 + 4

More information

If you have questions surrounding eligibility and would like to discuss further with our team, please phone 07 3163 1782.



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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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