Thank you to everyone who recently joined Mater’s Mothers’ Group and entered our competition. Were you a lucky winner?
Mater’s Mothers’ Group Promotion Winners
Mater midwives and lactation consultants Judy Cunningham and Susie Oram today chatted with mums online about breastfeeding. Our experts answered questions ranging from breast...
Q&A: Breastfeeding
Thanks to all the mums who participated in our web chat with Mater midwives and lactation consultants, Susie Oram and Judy Cunningham, earlier today on breastfeeding. We hope...
Live web chat: breastfeeding
Mater Mothers will host a live web chat with Mater midwives and lactation consultants Judy Cunningham and Susie Oram next week.
Mater Mothers breastfeeding web chat this Tuesday
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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.