Iodine is an important nutrient for baby’s brain and nervous system development. Since 2009, iodine has been added to some of our food and pregnant women are also advised...
Pregnancy Research: How much iodine is best?
New research funding will pave the way for early identification of babies at risk of stillbirth, brain damage and cerebral palsy from oxygen deprivation during late pregnancy...
Research funding to help save babies’ lives
Late gestation research into adverse pregnancy outcomes gained funding to begin research using machine learning techniques.
Betty McGrath Grant will help mothers’ and babies’ health
Greater knowledge of pregnancy complications and more effective diagnostics and care will reduce risks during pregnancy and childbirth and help ensure lifelong health for...
Research dedicated to improving mother's, babies and women's health
Mater Research and Mater Mother’s...
Mater Research launches QLD Family Cohort Study
As the largest provider of maternity healthcare services in Australia, Mater Mothers cares for more than 10,000 mothers and...
The importance of stillbirth education and research
Following detailed review, Mater is pleased to announce recruitment for the RIDSTRESS study has recommenced.
Recommencement of the RIDSTRESS (Sildenafil/Viagra) trial
Mater Research is planning the largest group cohort study in the state since the 1980s, aiming to follow 10 000 Queensland families over three decades, in collaboration with...
Mater Research planning for largest cohort study in Queensland
As a recipient of last year’s Mater Research Grant for Outstanding Women, Dr Shelley Wilkinson is passionate about supporting women to have healthy pregnancies and...
Women supporting women
Did you know that at Mater Mothers 10 to 13 per cent of our maternity patients—about 1000 women a year—are treated for gestational diabetes?
Check your risk this National Diabetes Week
Are you expecting and battling with the scales? Expectant mums with a BMI of more than 25 are welcome to take part in our new world-first study to investigate the...
World-first gestational diabetes study looking for participants
A Gold Coast businessman, Terry Jackman has donated $1 million which will fund a pivotal role in our neonatal research team—ensuring Mater babies have the best...
Mater receives $1 million donation for Neonatal Research Chair
Mater researchers have contributed to a world-first trial analysing one-to-one midwifery care and its benefits to mums and care providers. The findings are in and caseload...
One-to-one midwifery care benefits mums
A new way of interpreting information from a low-tech, age-old method used in pregnancy care is expected to more accurately identify potential health issues for mothers and...
Pregnant bellies: updating the tape measure technique
Expectant mothers who struggle with their weight can volunteer for a new study to investigate the effects of probiotics on preventing gestational diabetes.
New study targets gestational diabetes
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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.