A Queensland mum has revealed how the trauma of losing her own baby to stillbirth inspired her to become a midwife – and help other grieving parents cope with the loss of...
Tragedy inspires student midwife to support grieving parents
Each year all around the world on International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day, candles are lit to honour and remember a baby who has died. The result is a wave of light around...
A wave of light throughout the world
A wave of light around the world
Mater Mothers' Hospital’s Bereavement Support Program invites families who have lost a pregnancy or baby to attend this year's non-denominational 'Wave of...
Wave of Light Service marks International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day
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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.