Starting out with your newborn? Ask your questions!

Starting out with your newborn? Ask your questions!

You’ve left the hospital – now what? 

Taking a newborn home can be an exciting but equally daunting experience. After leaving the hospital you may find yourself flooded with questions that you wish you had thought of when you were surrounded by midwives.

Questions like, how do I handle my baby correctly, I’m having trouble feeding and setting a routine, how do I get my bub to sleep, how and when do I attempt outings, so many people are offering advice – what do I do?

Join experienced Mater Midwives Claire Maguire and Stacy Jukes to ask your questions in our live forum with other mums. 

To take part, simply join our Mater’s Mothers’ Group and visit from 10 – 11 am, Thursday 31 October. 

About Claire Maguire

Claire is a Mater Midwife, Lactation Consultant and Clinical Facilitator – overseeing education and professional development for midwives across multiple ambulatory areas, including postnatal homecare, lactation support and antenatal clinic as well as parent education. 

About Stacy Jukes

Stacy Jukes is a Mater Midwife, Lactation Consultant and Childbirth Educator at the Mater.


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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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