Compassion is in the DNA of Mater Mothers’ midwives

Compassion is in the DNA of Mater Mothers’ midwives

Caring for mothers and babies is a vocation for Mater midwives – but for these four women it’s in the blood.
Kate is following in the footsteps of her mother Catherine as a Mater Mothers’ midwife, while Leah has also joined her mum Claire in the Mater birthing suites.
The four women are part of the 900-strong midwifery team which supports the biggest and busiest maternity unit in Australia at Mater Mothers’ Hospital in South Brisbane, where more than 10,000 babies are born every year.
“My mum has always inspired me, but I didn’t want to become a midwife at first because I thought I mightn’t be as good as her,” Kate, 23, said.
“Eventually I realised that becoming a midwife was what I really wanted and went for it. I’m so glad I did – my very first day at Mater felt like I was coming home.”
Mum Catherine was previously Maternity Unit Manager (MUM) of Mater’s birthing suites and Pregnancy Assessment Centre, but has now taken up the role of Mater’s Clinical Specialty Co-ordinator for Mothers, Babies and Women’s Health.
Claire Howlett took over as the new birth suites MUM last year – taking over the team which includes her daughter Leah, 26.
“I love the supportive relationships you get to build with women as a midwife,” Leah said.
“And being there when they give birth is so special, it’s a huge privilege.
“People ask me if it’s weird working for my mum, but it’s not at all. I think she’s amazing – nothing fazes her and she inspires me every day!”
“I never pushed Leah into being a midwife, but she always enjoyed hearing my stories when she was younger,” Claire said.
“Midwifery is about supporting and empowering women and Leah is a natural.”
Friday May 5 is International Day of the Midwife – a chance to celebrate and recognise midwives around the world, including the 30,000 who work in Australia.
Midwifery is a career that Catherine says has special importance at Mater.
“Mater is renowned for maternity care – the high standards we set and the outstanding midwives who work here,” she said.
“We have an amazing team of compassionate midwives – and I’m so proud that Kate is now one of them!” 


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= eight + six

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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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