A new way of interpreting information from a low-tech, age-old method used in pregnancy care is expected to more accurately identify potential health issues for mothers and...
Pregnant bellies: updating the tape measure technique
Mater Mothers today launched Mater Body Balm for pregnancy—the first of its maternity and baby care products—at a pre-Mother’s Day brunch at the Gallery of...
Mater launches maternity product range
It has been 12 months since Mater Mothers joined Facebook. Since then we've have more than 16000 'friends'. Come and see what all the fuss is about!
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Born more than three months premature, Eli Harris faced numerous challenges during his first few months of life including lung disease, a heart murmur, a brain bleed and an...
Eli's story
There’s more to our antenatal classes than just education; they are also a great place to meet other people who are going through a similar experience.
Antenatal class—your first mothers' group
Three years ago Leiza Mosely stood by the bedside of her twins, Jonathan and Ethan, as they fought for life in Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU).
Mater mum walks the Great Wall for her boys
Expectant mothers who struggle with their weight can volunteer for a new study to investigate the effects of probiotics on preventing gestational diabetes.
New study targets gestational diabetes
Congratulations to the winners of our ‘share your beautiful moments’ with Mater Mothers competition.
Share your beautiful moments competition winners
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.