Woolworths morning teas

Woolworths morning teas

Thank you to all our mums who joined us at our Mater Mothers’ Morning Teas at Sunnybank, Carindale, Chermside and Garden City in May to celebrate our Mater product range being available in these Woolworths  locations.
We received some fantastic feedback including from mum Natasha:
"Thank you so much for having Evelyn, Cohen and myself today it was a fantastic morning. It can be so hard meeting other mums with young children especially if you don't have them in daycare. I've exchanged numbers with three lovely women and I would definitely come to another morning tea."
Mum Zena also said:
"Thanks so much for having us, was really good to chat to a midwife one-on-one and the food and coffee were YUM!"
Woolworths Aspley is the most recent store to stock our beautiful product range and we look forward to holding a morning tea there soon. If you have a new bub or one on the way and would like to attend our event, email [email protected] mentioning ‘Aspley’.


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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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