Premature twins the perfect surprise for North Queensland couple

Premature twins the perfect surprise for North Queensland couple

Christmas has come early for North Queensland couple Kirsten Bailey and Guiseppe Bonanno who welcomed a set of twins at Mater Mothers’ Private Hospital Townsville earlier this week.

The twins were born on Monday (18 December) – National Twin Day – a day held to celebrate siblings who share the same birthday.

Born within 30 seconds of each other at 8.17am, Milla and little brother Jacob are “kicking goals” after arriving earlier than expected.

“They are the best Christmas gift ever,” Ms Bailey, 36, said.

“I wasn’t supposed to have the twins until 21January, but this is a lovely early Christmas surprise.”

Mater Private Hospital Townsville General Manager Stephanie Barwick said the twins were part of a “Christmas rush”, with more than 30 babies already born at the hospital this month.

“It’s great to see Milla and Jacob doing so well. It’s clear they were keen to be part of the festivities this Christmas,” Ms Barwick said.

Ms Bailey and her fiancée Mr Bonanno, who live in Ayr, a one-hour drive away, are set to spend Christmas in the Special Care Nursery with their twins, who will be dressed in matching Christmas outfits.

“It’s one day at a time now, we just need them to get bigger and stronger,” she said.

“Milla weighed 2.3kg, and Jacob slightly less at 1.8kg.”

Ms Bailey said she had a feeling she was having both a baby girl and boy.

“It was a surprise in a way for both of us, we didn’t find out until they were born but I just had this feeling,” Ms Bailey said.

“My obstetrician held them both up at the same time and that’s when we found out we had a girl and a boy.

“I couldn’t stop crying when I heard them cry for the first time.”

The first-time parents are thankful their twins were born at Mater Mothers’ Private Hospital Townsville.

“We were planning on a natural birth as the twins were in a good position up until a few days ago,” she said.

“One of the babies was measuring a bit small, so it was recommended I have an elective caesarean section.

“We had always wanted to deliver at Mater because we knew there was a Special Care Nursery for the twins.

“The Special Care Nursery here has been absolutely fantastic.”


Pictured: Twins Milla and Jacob. 


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