Did you miss seeing us at this year's Pregnancy Babies and Children's Expo, held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in June? Want to know more about...
Educational videos now available
Father's Day is special for Mater Mothers; a chance to celebrate the unique connection between blokes and their babies.
Mater Mothers is celebrating dads this Father’s Day!
Mater Maternity and Baby Care Products have only been in market for just over one year and have already reached a significant achievement by winning a bronze Stevie Award! ...
Mater Maternity and Baby Care Products receive Global Award
Mater Mothers’ mum, Teresa Adams, is heading to Hamilton Island for a family holiday after winning the Mater Mothers’ Hospitals maternity and...
Mater mum wins ‘time out’
To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, Mater Mothers will host a live web chat with Mater midwives and lactation consultants Jane Swan and Julie Germain.
Chat with Mater experts about breastfeeding
Mater Mothers’ Hospital is celebrating World Breastfeeding Week (1 to 7 August) with a live web chat to promote the benefits of breastfeeding and Mater’s...
Mater Mothers’ Hospitals celebrates World Breastfeeding Week
For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.