Three little Owens

Contributed by Mater mum Farron

We found out that we were having triplets when I was five weeks pregnant. It was a massive surprise and my first thought was I want to be at Mater.

Some days and nights have been a complete blur with unsettled and cranky babies. Tears have been shed, delirium has been experienced and sleep has been deeply missed.

Other days have been filled with tears of happiness, excitement with their progression and gratitude that they are such content babies.

Our three babies have taught us so much already and one our biggest lessons has been patience. In times when we feel tired and overwhelmed we have to be patient and remember we are on an incredible journey—raising three babies who were born prematurely.

As hard as this journey can be, we are so incredibly lucky to have three healthy babies. There is not a day that passes that we don’t think about this, as we know there are many who wish and dream to have what we do.

Every day we notice a change in their looks. Each slowly filling out and developing unique personalities of their own. We are overwhelmed with love and so excited of what is ahead of us. We can’t wait until they start smiling. We’re ready for what is going to be the hardest but best journey of our lives.

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For urgent assessment at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to your nearest emergency centre or Mater Mothers’ 24/7 Pregnancy Assessment Centre in South Brisbane.

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