Congratulations on your upcoming Caesarean, we are so delighted for you and your family. This webpage will cover information on:
What to expect
Where to park
Fasting times
Length of stay
Recovering at home
How do I prepare for my procedure?
Shower thoroughly on the morning of your caesarean
Do not wear any make up, body lotions or perfume
Remove all nail polish
Remove all jewellery (please leave your valuables at home)
Ensure your support person is wearing enclosed footwear (not sandals or thongs)
Pack your hospital bag
What to expect
Please present to the reception desk 2.5hours before your scheduled procedure.
With your consent, a midwife will:
admit and oriented you to your room
place two identification bands on your wrists
check your information and history
confirm you have been fasting for 6 hours prior to your procedure
take your observations
perform an abdominal palpation and fetal heart rate
offer to clip your pubic hair
encourage you to remove all jewellery and nail polish
give you theatre clothes to change into
give you stockings to reduce your chances of developing a blood clot
Fasting before your caesarean section
To ensure your Caesarean occurs as planned it is important you follow these instructions:
Please DO NOT eat, drink, smoke or chew gum in the six hours prior to your procedure
You may drink water & CLEAR fluids until two hours prior to your procedure
Please check with you midwife or doctor on how to take any regular medication you are on.
Procedure Time
Fasting Time
8.30am |
2.30am |
9.50am |
3.50am |
11am |
5am |
1pm |
7am |
2.20pm |
8.20am |
3.40pm |
9.40am |
Length of stay
Please note length of stay is subject to your specific individual circumstances and unless you have been otherwise informed, most women having a planned caesarean at The Mater Mothers’ will be able to discharge after one night so they can continue their recovery at home with the support of our home care program.
Recovering at home
To help you prepare, and assist your recovery please watch these short educational clips (links below).
Midwife visits at home - Mater Mothers’ home Care Program
Mater Mothers’ Hospital provides a service which transitions mothers and babies from hospital into the home and community following the birth of a baby. This service is available to mothers who have Medicare and who meet the HCP criteria. HCP contact can be by home visit or Telehealth video conference. Your discharging midwife and the homecare team leader will advise you of this appointment upon discharge.