Postnatal education—part 1
Early days after birth—the essentials
It's important you become familiar with simple baby care and parenting techniques before your beautiful bundle of joy arrives. These first few days hold a special significance for families, as you learn to bond with one another. We want to make sure that you're well prepared for those first few days after birth. Feel free to watch these videos as many times as you like once you go home too.
Skin-to-skin (kangaroo care) to support breastfeeding
Breastfeeding essentials
Expressing your breastmilk
Recovering from childbirth
For the first few days after birth, it's important to listen to your body and take time to heal.
Eating well in pregnancy
Changing your new baby's nappy
How to wrap your new baby
Encouraging your baby's development with tummy time
We welcome your feedback
We value your suggestions for improvement, compliments and complaints regarding our postnatal education sessions. You can remain anonymous if you wish.
For urgent assessment of pregnancy related conditions at any stage of your pregnancy, please present to Mater’s Pregnancy Assessment Centre (for Brisbane and Redland patients) or your nearest emergency department immediately.